The Difficult Sacrifice Biden’s Age Might Force In 2024
The results of a Washington Post-ABC News poll, taken this month, revealed that because of President Joe Biden’s age most Americans don’t think Biden’s best days are ahead of him, therefore he should not run for reelection. The reality is that Biden’s age won’t stop him from seeking reelection, but it might force a very difficult sacrifice in 2024!!!
Anyone who thinks that they can stop a President who wants to run for reelection from doing so has a better chance of winning the next billion-dollar lottery than stopping a President from doing so. A President is in charge and the boss of his or her political party. That’s why the Republican Party had no traditional party platform to run on in the 2020 election, the then-Republican President Donald Trump didn’t want one. The President also controls the nominating process of his or her political party. That’s why Democrats just removed Iowa as its traditional first nominating election for 2024, the current Democrat President Biden wants it to be and it will be South Carolina.
While it’s true the President is the boss he or she is not the king, queen, or dictator of their political party. Other party elected…